How are you coping with coming out of lock down? Are you a person who is itching to get out or are you more like me and taking it slowly? After all, it’s not over yet is it? We can’t stay in our homes for ever but we all have a responsibility to care for […]
Continue ReadingHouse Cleaning the Safer Way: 5 Tips for DIY Bathroom Cleaning
Making the switch to DIY Cleaning products for a low tox household can be daunting. However, house cleaning the safer way is important for your health! So it is worth the effort to investigate your options. But, developing your own cleaning products requires a trial and error type of approach and it is the hit […]
Continue ReadingDIY Stain Removers- which one is right for you?
There will always be one or two household cleaners that you will struggle to create for yourself – why- because there are lots of recipes out there and we all have different expectations from the things that we make. My biggest problem was the dishwashing liquid and in fact I have written about that at […]
Continue ReadingDIY Washing Powder vs Soap Berries – which should you use?
I asked the question ‘DIY Washing Powder vs Soap Berries – which should you be using?’ to get you thinking. Perhaps you only use commercial powders and have never even thought about using a less toxic approach. Or maybe you are wanting to make the switch but don’t know where to start. Or you could […]
Continue ReadingHow to Diffuse Essential Oils for Health & Wellbeing
My first introduction to Essential Oils was at the yoga studio where my yoga teacher diffuses oils during our practice. I did not really understand the benefits of the oils, I just liked their lovely aroma and so I became hooked!! Of course, now I use oils for all sorts of reasons i.e. in any […]
Continue ReadingTips on Raising Twins: Birthdays
How many of us share a birthday with someone else in the family? Although I do know a few families where parent and child share the same birthday, its actually pretty rare isn’t it? We usually have an opportunity to be ‘ king or queen’ for a day each year and enjoy presents and a […]
Continue ReadingCooking with Oils: Braised Steak
One of my favourite things to do when I was little was to stand by my mother as she was cooking. I learned many tips and tricks this way. I can’t stress enough how important it is to share your knowledge of cooking with your children. Sadly I did not do this and although my […]
Continue ReadingFitness trackers – do we really need them?
What do you think about fitness trackers – essential tools for your exercise regime or a waste of money? I have had cause to think about the last holiday season as my tracker died in late October and I needed to decide on my next purchase. I did buy a new one but not without […]
Continue ReadingDIY Chest Rub with Essential Oils
It’s that time of the year again when we are bothered with colds and flu. Some of my earliest memories as a child were when I was sick with bronchitis and my mother rubbing my chest with Vicks. These days I try to stay clear of commercial health products and like to make my own. […]
Continue ReadingInvitation to our Essential Oils and DIY Household Health Community
We use Essential oils in our personal care and household cleaning products and everyday we live out the mantra ‘we have an oil for that’! Why? Because we are committed to reducing the toxic load of chemicals in our home and in the homes of our family and friends. In doing this we have learned […]
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