Amazing Essential Oils to Try: Lavender Oil

Two Recipes to Help You Combat Dry Skin 2

Lavender Oil

Main Constituents: Linalool, Linalyl acetate, Ocimene

Description:  Lavender Oil has calming and relaxing qualities that make it useful for a wide range of applications for your health and beauty and for the general wellbeing of your household.


Ways we use Lavender Oil


I often search for Essential Oil solutions to health problems and I am amazed at how many times Lavender Oil comes up as the answer! Lavender Oil is useful whenever you need soothing – whether you need to soothe your nerves or your skin, this oil is amazing.  Here are a few suggestions for you:

Sleep and Relaxation

  • Make a Roller Ball Bottle with about 20 drops of Lavender Oil, diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil to use at night. Roll it on pulse points or on your pillow to help you relax.

amazing essential oils lavender bottle

  • Diffuse Lavender in the bedroom to help you sleep. Mixing Lavender Oil with and Easy Breathing blend of  Oil will help you sleep with a clear head.

How to Diffuse Essential Oils for Health and Well being 10

Soothing the Skin

  • Use your diluted Lavender Oil in the Roller Ball Bottle to relieve itchy bites, sunburnt skin, razor burn or slight scratches. If you have some Roman Chamomile, mix it with the Lavender Oil to soothe persistent itchy rashes.
  • Use Lavender with your favourite skin lotion to help soothe dry skin. Apply your lotion to your hand and add a drop of oil. Rub your hands together and apply the lotion+oil to your skin. We use an unscented hand and body cream to do this.

Muscle Relief

  • Add a few drops of Lavender Oil to 1-2 cups of Epsom salts and add to a warm bath to relieve tired muscles.
  • Mix Lavender Oil with soothing blue blend of oils and Lemongrass Oil (15 drops of each) and dilute in a Roller Ball Bottle with Fractionated Coconut Oil  for a soothing muscle mix

Headache Relief

  • Use your diluted Lavender in the Roller Ball Bottle to relieve slight headaches. Add a little more power to your headache solution by using a Lavender Oil and Peppermint Oil mix. Apply at your temples and behind your ears. I also like to apply this blend under my eyes. However, be careful not to apply too close to your eyes.

Gut Health

  • Lavender Oil can also be used to soothe your gut. You might think of Peppermint Oil or Ginger Oil when you have an upset stomach or pain from ulcers etc. There are a range of other oils that are also helpful for this including Thyme Oil and Oregano Oil . These can help fight the bacteria that may cause ulcers. But if you don’t have access to a wide range of oils, try using some Lavender Oil. You can place a few drops in an empty capsule and take with a glass of water. Or you may prefer to add Lavender Oil to a milkshake or add to marinades and desserts.

amazing essential oils lavender foaming handwash

Household Uses:

  • We add Lavender Oil to our Foaming Handwash Recipe together with a protective blend for a soothing mix with a delightful aroma!
  • Lavender Oil is also a great addition to soap. We use it in our Melt and Pour Soap recipe. It blends well with Rosemary Oil or Ylang Ylang Oil too.
  • We add Lavender, On Guard Oil and Lemongrass Oil to your DIY Room Spray. This is great for the bathroom and to spray into smelly kitchen bins, smelly shoes etc.


  • Make your own Makeup Remover Pads using a mix of Aloe Vera and Castile soap. Add Lavender Oil (and Frankincense Oil ) to the mix.
  • Make your own DIY Nourishing Face Cream and add lavender to soften and soothe your skin.

amazing essential oils lavender cream

  • Does your hair need an extra conditioner? Make your own leave in DIY Hair Conditioner. Lavender is an essential ingredient for this hair tonic. It is also great in Beard Balm.

amazing essential oils lavender beard balm

What Next?

If you are ready to enter the world of essential oils and you decide to go the doTERRA way, I would love to help you get started and support you if you want some help. Here is how you can do this: go to my doTERRA website to find out about the range of oil and oil based products available for purchase. You can also sign up to become a member on this site. Once signed up you can purchase oils for wholesale prices! But if you would like some more information click on the Contact Me on the doTERRA website and I will respond to your questions.

We hope you will join us at Helpful by Nature by subscribing to our email list. We would love to hear from you, take your questions and provide answers if we are able.

Until next time,



Gillian (and Andrew)

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