I’m not exactly sure whether there is such a thing as ‘Indian Fried Rice’ but I call it that because of the origin of the recipe. When I was a wee girl, my mother had a close friend called Doreen. Sadly they have both gone now but Doreen’s recipes live on just as my mother’s […]
Continue ReadingThe Saga of the DIY Dish Washing Liquid
When I embarked on my journey to replace all commercial cleaning products in my home I was confronted with lots of online articles, low tox books and advice from others who had walked this path before me. I mentioned in a earlier post that this was so overwhelming that I had to develop a strategy […]
Continue ReadingCooking with Oils: Pumpkin and Lentil Soup
I found this recipe for Pumpkin and Lentil Soup in Mum’s Recipe Book. Pumpkin soup is definitely a favourite in our house but the idea of boosting the protein content with the lentils appealed to me. Then I decided to make it a little more interesting by adding some Thyme Essential Oil. This is a […]
Continue ReadingBe careful of extreme diets and fads!
Before you start reading I just want to let you know that I have added some links to my doTERRA webpage at the end of this post so you can check out the the oils I mention. I imagine that some people who have been reading my blog posts, and in particular my recipes, might […]
Continue ReadingHot Cross Buns
One of my favourite things to do over the Easter long weekend is make Hot Cross Buns. For as long as I can remember I loved cooking with yeast. In fact this love of yeast had a huge influence on my choice of study at uni and indeed my choice of PhD topic! I still […]
Continue ReadingHow to Enjoy Easter Without a Sugar Overload!
It is so long now since I stopped eating normal chocolate and sweets that I get a little surprised when I hear everyone talking about coping with sugar overloads and highs over Easter. Apparently Australians are going to spend $185.7 million on chocolate this year. Really? Why? The cynic in me says that the they […]
Continue ReadingCrusty Salmon or Tuna Bake
This recipe is one that conjures up memories of Sunday night dinners in my childhood. I’m not sure that I was always happy about eating this when I was very young but it sure beat meat and three veg! The thing about tuna recipes that I love now is that you can make the same […]
Continue ReadingQuick Guide to the Tools You Need for DIY with Essential Oils
Have you been making your own cleaning products? What tools do you use? I have quite a collection of tools and containers now that help make the DIY process easy. Of course you also need suitable containers to store what you make. This post is about the tools and the containers that you will need. […]
Continue ReadingShower and Tile Cleaner
This recipe is based on a doTERRA recipe. I have old bathrooms to clean and old tiles and grout so I am always struggling with mould. This cleaner is helpful to clean off the mould from the grout. I use an old toothbrush to do the scrubbing. Be careful though, hydrogen peroxide is powerful so […]
Continue ReadingLavender and Rosemary Soap (Melt and Pour)
Melt and pour soaps make it so easy to make a variety of soaps for you house and as gifts. You can vary the shape, the Essential oils and the Botanicals to make a range of beautiful and unique soaps. You Will Need: Silicone Moulds 1/4 cup Grapeseed or Olive oil 1 cup Goat’s Milk […]
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