What could be nicer on a Sunday afternoon than afternoon tea with a slice of fruit cake? Well actually I think it would be afternoon tea with a slice of Pineapple Boiled Fruit Cake made with that extra Essential Oil boost! The addition of pineapple to this fruit cake means that the cake is delightfully […]
Continue ReadingBoiled Fruit Cake
I was talking to my daughter the other day about a Christmas in July function at her work. We talked about the range of food that was brought in by colleagues. There was the Christmas cakeĀ which is very much the traditional ‘cold weather’ Christmas food and mini pavlovas which are definitely more Aussie Christmas […]
Continue ReadingEasy Tea Cake Recipe
Where do you find your recipes these days? Online, in books? When I was very young the radio was the equivalent to the web for information sharing and many of Mum’s recipes were quickly jotted down as she was working in the kitchen and listening to her favourite radio programs. This tea cake recipe was […]
Continue ReadingSteak Fromage
Growing up in suburban Sydney in the 60’s meant that our food was plain and predictable. We always had enough to eat but as with most children, we had our likes and dislikes! In fact I disliked eating chops and three veg so much that it took me years to serve it to my own […]
Continue ReadingCooking with Oils: Apple Crumble
Apple Crumble – one of those old fashioned, warming desserts for a cold winter’s evening! Does it bring back any memories for you? It has become the go to dessert in my house – particularly for hungry sons. In fact it became their dish i.e. I’m not allowed to make it because I don’t do […]
Continue Reading‘Indian’ Fried Rice!
I’m not exactly sure whether there is such a thing as ‘Indian Fried Rice’ but I call it that because of the origin of the recipe. When I was a wee girl, my mother had a close friend called Doreen. Sadly they have both gone now but Doreen’s recipes live on just as my mother’s […]
Continue ReadingCooking with Oils: Pumpkin and Lentil Soup
I found this recipe for Pumpkin and Lentil Soup in Mum’s Recipe Book. Pumpkin soup is definitely a favourite in our house but the idea of boosting the protein content with the lentils appealed to me. Then I decided to make it a little more interesting by adding some Thyme Essential Oil. This is a […]
Continue ReadingCrusty Salmon or Tuna Bake
This recipe is one that conjures up memories of Sunday night dinners in my childhood. I’m not sure that I was always happy about eating this when I was very young but it sure beat meat and three veg! The thing about tuna recipes that I love now is that you can make the same […]
Continue ReadingCooking With Oils: Bean Soup
Autumn is in the air and its almost time for hearty soups. I found this recipe in Mum’s newer cookbook (i.e. the 1983 one) and thought I would spice it up a little with some Basil Essential Oil and chilli! You will need: 2 cups of mixed dried beans 2 x 8 cups of hot […]
Continue ReadingCheese Sauce Scones
I was just writing a recipe for soup and remembered that Mum used to make Cheese Sauce Scones to go with soup. I’ll call this a recipe from her old book but in actual fact it is one of those recipes that was kept in her head. I managed to write it down in my […]
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