Much of the focus of our writing is on being helpful. We can’t all reach out to everyone in need but every little bit helps. Always have a willing hand to help someone, you might be the only one that does. Roy T. Bennett The quote above really resonates with me because there have been […]
Continue ReadingHints on How to be Helpful
Given that our name is ‘Helpful by Nature’ we thought it was time to share some ideas and hints about being helpful to others. Being forthright and pushy is not the way to go. I learned that over the years in my various jobs. You might change someone’s situations for a while by bullying them […]
Continue ReadingGoal Setting for a Great 2022!
Christmas and 2021 seem an age ago now and we are already seeing the ‘Back to School’ advertisements on the TV and yet there are still a few weeks of holiday left for many people. But you have probably also been bombarded by those Facebook posts and emails about goal setting for 2022. How do […]
Continue ReadingIt’s Our 3rd Birthday – Help us Celebrate by Reading our Blog!
It is our third birthday this month. The very first post was published on Australia Day, 26th January 2019! What a journey we have had since then! We have enjoyed the last three years and although our audience may not have grown all that much we know that our recipes, ideas and tips on a […]
Continue Reading5 tips to Help You Through the Christmas Season
Christmas is a time of such excitement isn’t it? But Christmas is not fun for everyone. This year, we are so busy with stuff around the house that I feel like Christmas is just a blip that I have to endure but would rather miss altogether. Of course, when you are feeling stressed all the […]
Continue ReadingSavoury Cheese Pastries
This recipe is from Mum’s Recipe book and it is a special recipe from a neighbour. This neighbour cared for my mother for years by providing company, support and food at a time when mu was quite lonely. I tried the recipe a few weeks ago and I love it! I halved the recipe though […]
Continue ReadingCooking with Oils: Ginger and Lemon Anzac Biscuits
This recipe is a tasty twist on a traditional Aussie favourite. The recipe was in Mum’s Recipe book but I added a few of my own touches too i.e. I used some Essential Oils to make those flavours pop! What you will need: 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup coconut 1 cup plain flour 1/2/ […]
Continue ReadingRoasted Vegetables with Chick Peas
This recipe may sound a bit different and it is!! But, it is tasty and could be eaten as a main course or as an accompaniment. I love it because it is one of those ‘all in one pot’ recipes that are so convenient. What you will need: A mix of vegetables to be roasted […]
Continue ReadingCooking with Oils: Mini Apple Crumbles
This recipe was in Mum’s Recipe book but it was called Apricot Crumble Bars. I didn’t have any apricots so I made it with apple and then decided to make it as mini crumbles rather than bars so the name is forever been changed!! I also added some Essential Oils to the mix to make […]
Continue ReadingCrunchy Chicken
This recipe is one from Mum’s Recipe book – but one that I had never seen before. So we tried it last night. I have to say when I made it, it wasn’t actually very crunchy but it was certainly tasty so well worth sharing with you. I added a few bits and pieces and […]
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