Would you like to live a healthier lifestyle over the next decade? We would love to share our perspective on what is important for a healthy household and lifestyle.
1. Detox Your Life
Detox your life by being careful about what you eat, how you clean your house and what you put on or into your body. We have been writing about this for the past year and still firmly believe that simple is best. You don’t need expensive products with a complex chemical content for effective cleaning. Steam, vinegar, hot water, Castile Soap and a combination of bicarb and citric acid are some of the basic ingredients you will need.
For your personal health, try using a range of oils and butters such as Shea butter and Cocoa butter. Mixed with Essential Oils, you can create personalized beauty products without the unnecessary load of toxic chemicals.
Try our simple approach to house cleaning and personal health care – check out some of our simple recipes for aches and pains, washing your dishes, cleaning your house, personal hygiene and health.
If you want to read more about how Essential Oils can help you with the detox process read our post on First Steps!
Another tip- reduce the plastics and synthetic materials in your house. This is good for your personal environment and good for the broader environment long term. Our post on food coverings may help you think this through.
2. Healthy Eating
There are lots of fads and diets around these days and information on what constitutes a good diet can be difficult to discern. At the beginning of each year we see and hear so many advertisements for diets and eating plans to shed those extra kilos after the holiday season. But really we should not be thinking of what we eat in the short term, rather we should be planning our diet for life. What food best supports us for a healthy future? Whether we eat meat or not, we all need a mix of nutrients and so a balanced diet is needed to support our bodies each day. You can also gain the many benefits of Essential Oils by including them in your cooking. Check out of Recipe Page for our ‘Cooking with Oils’ recipe range.
3. Exercise
Regular exercise is so important for our physical and mental health. I have been practicing yoga and swimming for over 9 years and both have been fantastic for supporting my physical and mental well being through good times and bad! Andrew and I also walk each day but we are both looking forward to increasing our exercise routines as we have more time. A mix of cardio and strength exercises is what we will be aiming for each week.
4. Healthy Relationships
The relationships we have with others, at home, at work and in our own time play such an important role in determining our happiness which in turn impacts our health. Open communication, and willingness to listen to others and their point of view will go a long way to developing strong and lasting relationships. Also, we all need to recognise that we are unique beings with different strengths and needs!
5. Do what you love not just what you are good at!
Have you heard this before and thought that it is just a trite saying? I can tell you from my own experience that it is all true. For so many years I worked in an organisation with people around me, doing something that other people wanted me to do. I was OK with this for a long time and although we achieved a lot, at the back of my mind I knew that I needed something different. I then branched out into a new field, set up a business with a colleague and 14 years later can tell you that working in that business, being our own bosses and working from home were exactly what I loved doing. It also allowed me to eventually get a hold of my tendency to workaholism!
6. Take a proactive approach to life
Finally, I just want to remind you of the need to be proactive in life. We like talking about this!
Take it from someone who has been in the workforce and a parent for many years – putting things off in life is not helpful and one day you will wake up and realise what you have missed. So before you jump into the next decade, read our post on being proactive not reactive and think about setting some realistic goals for you and your family to live a healthy life!
What next?
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If you decide to join our email list you will receive a tool to help you with goal setting and planning for a great future.
We hope you have a wonderful 2020 and decade and that you will join us this year as we share a range of tips and tools for living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining healthy households.
Until next time,
Gillian (and Andrew)