White Chocolate Frosting

This recipe is the one I used to make the frosting for my son’s wedding cake. I made 4 x the recipe for a three tiered Semi Naked cake.

What you will need:

220 g icing sugar

150 g white chocolate

130 g butter


Grate the white chocolate any way you can e.g. with a grater, a food processor or a Thermomix (3 sec, Speed 8).

Melt the chocolate either in a microwave, using a double boiler or in a Thermomix (5 mins, 50 C, Speed 2).

Add icing sugar and butter to the melted chocolate and whip until mixed in i.e. until it looks like frosting. If using a Thermomix mix for about 10 sec, Speed 5.


This frosting can be frozen. When you wish to use it, take it out of the freezer and place in the microwave for about 30-60 sec on High. The mixture will soften. Mix around thoroughly and it will be ready to spread. If you don’t use it all you can freeze again.

Enjoy. If you would like to find out more about the wedding cake please see my posts on the Red Velvet Cake Recipe and on making the actual cake.

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Gillian (and Andrew)


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