If you have been reading our blog for a while you will know that we have replaced all of our household cleaners and personal hygiene and beauty products with natural ones that I make. But some of these products have been easier than others to make. One of the longest struggles has been with deodorant. […]
Continue ReadingDiscipline and Consistency: An Important Part of Parenting
Discipline seems to be a dirty word these days when it comes to parenting and schooling and I believe that this is a tragedy for our society. Why is it that parents are so wishy-washy when it comes to disciplining their children? Why are there no absolutes when it comes to acceptable and unacceptable behaviour? […]
Continue ReadingCooking with Oils: Spinach Turnovers
It’s a wonderful ‘almost Spring’ day in Sydney and if I wasn’t at my computer writing blog posts I would be out enjoying the sun and possibly having a picnic! Food preparation is never far from my mind – of course it is something I love doing – so I started thinking about what would […]
Continue ReadingVegetable Pikelets – a meal in a handful!
I was searching for a recipe on Pinterest last night for vegetable fritters and found that so many of the recipes required frying in lots of oil. Not so healthy! So I found a recipe and adjusted it so the fritters became more like pikelets, requiring much less oil for cooking. I also made it […]
Continue ReadingTips on Living Happily With Introverts
Do you know much about personality types? Have you ever wondered why some people seek alone time every day but others just thrive on the company of others? The needs of the individuals who make up your household can be difficult to support if you are not aware of their differences. I am only talking […]
Continue ReadingSteamed Golden Syrup Pudding
It seems that winter has only just arrived in Sydney even though it is August and we should be heading into Spring. With the coming of winter we feel the need for comfort food. Of course we should not indulge everyday but the occasional treat on a cold night as we gather around the fire […]
Continue ReadingWake Up and Be Amazing With Essential Oils
I have been thinking about writing a post like this for some time to demonstrate how important Essential Oils can become to your daily health and how to make them part of your daily routine. My usage of Oils has increased over the past few months as I read more about their benefits and listen […]
Continue ReadingCooking with Oils: Pineapple Boiled Fruit Cake
What could be nicer on a Sunday afternoon than afternoon tea with a slice of fruit cake? Well actually I think it would be afternoon tea with a slice of Pineapple Boiled Fruit Cake made with that extra Essential Oil boost! The addition of pineapple to this fruit cake means that the cake is delightfully […]
Continue ReadingBoiled Fruit Cake
I was talking to my daughter the other day about a Christmas in July function at her work. We talked about the range of food that was brought in by colleagues. There was the Christmas cakeĀ which is very much the traditional ‘cold weather’ Christmas food and mini pavlovas which are definitely more Aussie Christmas […]
Continue ReadingTips on Raising Twins: Struggles During the First 12 months
Even though I gave birth to twins 28 years ago it is amazing how much I remember of the very early days. It really does seem like yesterday. We have photos of all of our children in our hall and sometimes when I stop and look at the photos of them when they were 3-4 […]
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