What is unprecedented? Apparently everything lately. Watch the news tonight and count how many times the word is used. It is sensationalism at its best (or worst!). At first I thought is was just the Australian media talking about bushfires and then rainfall and floods but no, the word is being used in relation to everything from virus outbreaks, American politics and the price of petrol – or anything else you would like to use it for.
But are all these things really unprecedented?
The definition of ‘unprecedented’ is: never having happened or existed in the past. (Cambridge Dictionary)
Does anyone bother to check the facts when this term is used to describe all these events? Whilst there have been many terrible events this last summer that have shocked us all we should be careful about the over use of extreme adjectives- they are emotive and can promote stress and division across the community. This is not healthy or balanced!
Don’t be sucked in by broad sweeping statements, suspect statistics, assumptions or bullying by the media, political parties or those on social media who would love you to stop thinking for yourself!
For the sake of your own sanity and the health of you and your family I encourage you to always:
Question what you hear.
Check the facts for yourself.
Weigh up the arguments for and against statements made in the press or on social media.
Be prepared to call out people who use jargon to excess.
We need balance to live a healthy life, not daily bombardment with stressful statements about ‘unprecedented’ events.
What Next?
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Until next time,
Gillian (and Andrew)