Is the constant bad news getting you down? Do you need a bit of a lift?

We will be posting  helpful thoughts on social media twice each day for a while. Here they are altogether if you need an overload of happy and helpful now!

1.The local swimming pool has just closed for an indefinite period…….. your shoulders will thank you for resting them.

2.Not using your online yoga subscription enough…… now you can get your money’s worth.

3.Can’t visit the gym or pool for a while ……. work out at home, make sure they suspend your membership and think about how much petrol you will save.

4.Extra time on your hands because you’re working from home…. get up and go for that walk or the run you’ve been wanting to do.

5.Pantry getting low in stock….. perhaps you could start that diet you’ve been putting off.

6.Shop shelves empty…… great opportunity to get to the back of your pantry.

7.Not much food left in the house…. what an opportunity to get creative with your cooking.

8.Kids are bored……..time to sort through that cupboard full of kids board games and puzzles.

9. Need to catch a train….. there are plenty of parking spots close to the station at the moment so you can sleep in a bit.

10. Worried about going to the hairdresser….. what a great time to let your hair grow a little.

11.Worried that your beard might be a source of contamination…. turn it into a goatee (like Andrew did!!).

12.Hair going gray because you can’t get to the hairdresser….no one can see you anyway.

13.Working from home and still in your pyjamas when your boss calls you on Skype…. pretend your camera isn’t working and wing it.

14.Does your garden need some attention…. being outside in the sun is a great way to cheer up.

15.Think you might run short of vegetables in coming months…. make a veggie garden and get the whole household involved.

16.Haven’t had time to talk to your friends lately… book a Zoom date and have an online party.

17.Don’t have anything for mum for Mother’s day….. check out our blog pages and make her a gift yourself.

18.Never had the time to learn to sew…… Pinterest and YouTube have lots of instructional videos to show you how.

19.Family celebration coming up but you can’t host a party…. have fun planning a virtual dinner or have a picnic and stay 4 metres apart!

20.The school sent work home for the kids to do but you can’t get your head around it…… check out the online resources for home schooling.

21.Can’t buy a mask and don’t feel safe… make your own, just search on Pinterest for instructions.

22.Going crazy inside your house…. fill a thermos with hot water, pack a picnic afternoon tea and drive to a big park somewhere to get some fresh air and sun.

23.Missed all the latest movies…….. turn down the lights pop the corn and enjoy.

24.Had to cancel your big overseas trip…….there will be less work to do when you are ready to go some time in the future.

25.Have you been wanting to try homemade shampoo or deodorant but didn’t have the courage….. try it at home, there are less people to offend if you get it wrong.

26.Have you been wanting to go shampoo free…… do it now when you don’t need to see anyone.

27.Have you been meaning to catch up with your grandparents and now it’s not a good idea….. go old school and write them a letter.

28.Want to hone your writing skills but there is no one to write to…..ask at the local church or community centre about elderly people who are lonely and start writing to them to brighten their day.

29.Do you have elderly neighbours who are not up to the supermarket struggles….. offer to do battle for them.

30.Want to write about your life experiences and now have time….. start a WordPress blog – it is so cathartic to let it all out.

31.Got a business idea but haven’t had the time to get it off the ground…… go for it.

32.Interested in extending your social media platforms……. try it now while there is lots to read and hear about.

33.Ever wanted to use Facebook Live but were too scared…. do it now – you will be doing a favour for all those other bored people out there who are wanting to connect.

34.Are you enjoying the whole work at home thing…. drop the idea to your boss that this ‘new world of working’ could be a keeper for you.

35.Need a haircut but can’t go out….. ask a family member to use the clippers on you and see how it turns out.

36.Hate waiting to see the doctor…. start a petition to make sure the dial up consultations are continued into the future.

37.Feeling anxious…. Remember that God is our strength and refuge and listen to the Dambusters Theme.

38.Missing your church buddies…. organise a teleconference for prayer and Bible reading.

39.Thinking of Mum this Mother’s day….. wrap up one of the hottest items in town i.e. a 10 pack of toilet paper (if you can find any)- she will love you for it!

40.Are your freezer walls covered in ice and you don’t know what all that food is on the bottom…. take this opportunity to work your way to the bottom – dinner each day will be a total surprise for everyone!

41.Run out of books to read…. sign up for Kindle Unlimited and have your own private, digital lending library (they have a 30 day free trial).

42.Can’t think of how you can help people in need during this crisis…. go and give blood and enjoy the free treats they give you afterwards.

43.Worried about the retail workers who stock the shelves night and day….. smile, say hello and tell them they are doing a great job!

44.Can’t get near a big supermarket, try walking to a smaller one with no carpark, you may just find a few of those items you really need.

45.Belong to a church and want to provide practical help…. organise a grocery drive and ask your friends to donate and then distribute to the elderly and disabled in your area.

46.Always wanted to use Essential Oils but didn’t know how…. read our Helpful by Nature posts on how to use them.

47.Frustrated that you can’t get out to exercise….. get an exercise bike and travel for miles while you watch your favourite TV shows.

48.Can’t work effectively at home because the family is driving you crazy… try a split shift that allows you to spend time with them too.

49.Can’t do drinks on Friday night because the pubs are closed…. Skype or Zoom your friends and raise a glass to each other to debrief your time at home.

50.Feeling sad and worried…… don’t be a hero, practice self care by calling someone who loves you and let them cheer you up.

Andrew and I hope that you have enjoyed our happy, helpful thoughts. Do you have any more to share? We all need to pitch in and work as a supportive community at the moment. Feel free to let us all know your happy thoughts too by adding a comment!

What Next?

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Until next time,



Gillian (and Andrew)

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