Tasty Chicken Strips

Tasty Chicken Strips 2

This recipe was in my mother’s recipe book. She used Chicken wings but I thought that we could use strips and I was right. It worked well!

Mum’s Recipe Book

I have made a few adjustments to the original recipe but it is still basically  the simple and tasty recipe from the book.

We tested it out on Saturday night and were happy with the results. We served our strips up with a range of salad ingredients, home made tortillas, sour cream and salsa.

Tasty Chicken Strips 8


What you will need:

Approximately 1 kilo of chicken strips ( I used chicken thighs and cut them into strips) or chicken wings.

Tasty Chicken Strips 6


Ingredients for the sauce:

1/2 cup soy sauce

Tasty Chicken Strips 6

1/4 cup red wine

1/4 cup raw sugar

2 teaspoons of grated fresh ginger (or 3drops Ginger Essential Oil)

Cooking with Oils: Special Crumbed Steak

Lemongrass ( 1 stick or 2 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil)

7 Ways to Use Lemongrass Essential Oil Every Day 5

Chilli flakes to taste



Mix all the sauce ingredients together.

Place the chicken into a large, greased baking dish. 

Tasty Chicken Strips

Pour the sauce over the chicken. 

Tasty Chicken Strips 4

Bake at 300 C for 35 minutes.

Turn the strips over and cook for another 30 minutes. 

Serve with salad and rice or be creative and serve with wraps or tacos etc.

Tasty Chicken Strips 7


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Gillian (and Andrew)

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