Rolled Oats Slice

Posted On By Gillian
Rolled Oats Slice 4

This recipe is one from Mum’s Recipe book and in our house, when I was growing up, it was my brother’s favourite. The resulting slice is a little like a museli bar in texture and can be make in individual silicon moulds. I add a few extras to make it more interesting. I made it the other day and it has definitely been popular!

Mum’s Recipe Book

What you will need: 

2 cups rolled oats

Rolled Oats Slice

 1/2 cup sugar ( I used raw sugar)

1 cup of coconut (or a mixture of coconut, seeds and or nuts)

1/2 cup currants (this is my addition)

Rolled Oats Slice 1

120 grams butter

1/2 teaspoon baking powder


Melt the butter and add all other ingredients and mix well. 

Rolled Oats Slice 2

Spread into a tray or silicone moulds.

Bake at 170C for approximately 20 minutes. 

Allow to cool completely before turning out of moulds.

Rolled Oats Slice 3

If you cook this in a tray – slice into pieces before the slice cools completely then leave to cool before removing the pieces. 

Enjoy as a snack on the run, for lunchboxes or with a nice cup of tea! 

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Until next time,



Gillian (and Andrew)



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