Who would have thought just a few years ago that face masks would become something to don every time you go outside? I don’t want to get political about this – it is the law at the moment and I will obey those laws and wear the mask. What gets me going though is that people are not masking up responsibly. What do I mean – I am continually frustrated that people wear mask incorrectly i.e. under their mouths or on their chins but more importantly, I am also frustrated that most people are wearing disposable masks – that is just not responsible.
Ideally, regardless of the type of mask you wear, you should change the mask regularly throughout the day. If you work from home and leave the house 1-2 times each day for shopping or exercise you may need 1-2 masks /day. But if you are in a workplace somewhere you may need around 10 /day. If those 10 masks are disposable ones, that is way too much rubbish! We are hearing reports of our National Parks becoming littered with masks and it is not uncommon to see discarded masks on the street, on the footpaths and in the gutters.
As the pandemic continues and we are moving through to the new phase of having the live with the virus rather than being locked down all the time, the use of masks will surely increase as they will be a very important line of defence when we are inside shopping centres and workplaces. So why are people persisting with the disposable masks? Surely they can work out that these masks are going to cost them a fortune moving forward?
There are alternatives to disposable masks and many companies are making masks of all kinds.
What can you do to make the change from disposable to cloth masks?
There will be some people who tell you that cloth masks are not as effective as surgical or N95 masks and they are probably correct but the average person is not going to have access to N95 masks and there are no guarantees that the surgical masks you buy in the chemist are any good either.
So, before taking the first step away from using disposable masks educate yourself about how masks actually protect you and others, read about the kinds of fabrics that can be used to maximise the effectiveness of cloth masks and then investigate where to buy them and how to wear and care for them.
The important thing to remember when masking up responsibly is that if you wear a mask and I wear a mask we are protecting each other. This simple curtesy can be achieved by wearing cloth masks. If we all wear cloth masks are also protecting the environment – another simple curtesy to others!
If you would like information about the effectiveness of cloth masks and how to wear and care for them check out the Masks for Aussies website on the ‘Mask Use’ page
Invest in Good Quality Cloth Masks
If you can afford it, invest in some well made cloth masks, if you don’t have money there are organisations who give masks away. These masks can be washed and reused time and time again. Try the Masks for Aussies site for information on where to obtain the masks.
Even Better- Make Your Own Masks
If I were you, I would be making them myself. In fact, I have made hundreds of masks since the pandemic started and given most of those away to people in need as well as to family and friends. They made great Christmas presents in 2020 and may be a great idea this year too!
If you would like to find a great pattern for a mask that is comfortable to wear and will wash well check out the Masks for Aussies ‘How to Make Cloth Face Masks’ and ‘Cloth Masks Pattern’ pages.
Don’t know how to sew? Ask someone to help you. Use the patterns on the Masks for Aussies website and you really can’t go wrong!
What Next?
Make some masks, share them round and mask up responsibly!
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Until next time,
Gillian (and Andrew)