It is our third birthday this month. The very first post was published on Australia Day, 26th January 2019! What a journey we have had since then!
We have enjoyed the last three years and although our audience may not have grown all that much we know that our recipes, ideas and tips on a whole range of household issues have helped some of you a lot.
There is something in that you know i.e. we may not be in a position to make huge changes in the world but as individuals if we all make a small helpful contribution to a few we can make a difference to the world.
Throughout this month we will be posting some quotes about being helpful to others and how being generous to others is so beneficial for us all.
One quote that stands out for me is this….
‘There is no use whatever trying to help people who do not help themselves. You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is willing to climb himself.’
Andrew Carnegie
You might be wondering why I like this quote so much when I have just been saying how it so important for us all to be helpful.
You are not alone in wondering about this. In fact, when I said that I was going to start writing a blog about be helpful one of my sons said – why don’t you just get out there are do something rather than writing about it?
Good question right?
The thing is, I spent my whole working life in roles that were meant to help others and I learnt that what Andrew Carnegie said was sooooo true. Sadly, people are reactive and not proactive when it comes to life and they will often live in pain or discomfort or stay in difficult situations for much longer than they need to because they are not prepared for the future – and it takes much more than helpful hands or a bit of a push to get them moving. I spent so many years beating myself up because the people I tried to help just wouldn’t listen. So I eventually learned that leading by example, providing the right tools at the right time and being encouraging rather than pushy were the best ways to be helpful – hence the birth of the blog- it is there if you need it!
If you haven’t yet read one of our posts here are a few of the topics we have covered over the past 3 years:
- Tips on parenting and keeping the peace in the household
- Tips and benefits of using Essential Oils in your Homes
- Detoxing your home and making your own healthy and safe cleaning products
- Home made beauty and cleaning products
- Cooking with us -a profile on some old cooking gems and also cooking with Essential Oils.
We are Helpful by Nature and we are here to be helpful when you need us.
You can help us in our quest to be helpful by reading and sharing our posts on social media. Lots of people ‘like’ our posts but we would appreciate some shares too!
We also hope you will join us at Helpful by Nature by subscribing to our email list. We would love to hear from you, take your questions and provide answers if we are able.
Until next time,
Gillian (and Andrew)