Festive Ham and Pasta Bake

Posted On By Gillian
Festive Ham and Pasta Bake 3

This recipe might be handy at Christmas time to use up that left over ham or perhaps to feed a crowd! It is another recipe from Mum’s Recipe Book. We hope you enjoy this dish with your family.

Mum’s Recipe Book


What you will need:

250 grams pasta or noodles (use what you have or your favourite!)

Festive Ham and Pasta Bake 4

250 grams diced ham

Festive Ham and Pasta Bake 1

250 grams grated cheese

Festive Ham and Pasta Bake

300 grams sour cream

440 gram can of corn

1 green,1 red and 1 yellow capsicum , finely chopped

Festive Ham and Pasta Bake 2

1 large onion, finely chopped

1 clove garlic crushed

Festive Ham and Pasta Bake

salt and pepper to taste

Chilli flakes (optional)


Cook pasta in boiling, salted water until cooked. Drain off the liquid.

Mix all remaining ingredients (not the nuts)  together and then fold in the pasta.

Place in a 2.5 litre casserole dish and sprinkle chilli flakes over the top.

Festive Ham and Pasta Bake 20
Festive Ham and Pasta Bake 20

Bake at 180 C for 35-45 minutes.

Serve with a salad of fresh tomatoes and herbs.

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Until next time,



Gillian (and Andrew)

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