If you like making your own bread then this recipe might appeal to you. You can make your bread and solve the problem of this year’s table centerpiece all at the same time.
Use your favourite recipe and make the dough as you usually would.
(Note: I sometimes use this Thermomix white bread recipe for this tree.)
What you will need:
Bread dough for a loaf of bread
A small can of corn kernels
Either a jar of pimentos or a red capsicum that has been finely chopped
A green capsicum that has been finely chopped or you could use green olives.
Mix the corn, pimentos and or capsicum into the dough by kneading it in well during the final kneading.
Divide the dough into 12-15 small pieces and shape into small balls.
Place the dough balls onto a greased oven tray to form a Christmas tree shape.
Make sure you keep one ball aside to make the star. Roll out the ball until flat and cut out a star shape. Place this at the top of the tree.
Glaze the tree with an egg and milk wash.
Cook at 190-200 C for approximate 25 minutes or until browning and each roll sounds hollow when tapped.
Decorate with sprigs of holly and place on the table.
What Next?
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Until next time,
Gillian (and Andrew)