These last few years have been like no other – fires, droughts, floods and of course a pandemic that just keeps on giving!! So how can we make sure that we enjoy Christmas this year? We all need a treat of some kind. Of course, the idea of big family gatherings and shopping in crowded shopping centres may still not appeal to you – I will certainly not be doing it this year! We are planning a very different Christmas and have been thinking through some ideas on how to make it a wonderful Christmas for those who are close to us. Here are 5 tips for a Different, Fun Christmas for you and yours!
Tip #1 Rethink the Family Gathering
If you have a large extended family you may have to rethink that big gathering this year. If you really do want to catch up with family members you could:
- Meet each family individually.
- Have a party in a park.
- Have a big virtual drinks party and just meet online.
- Invite the family to a virtual Christmas dinner where everyone has to dress up. Have the meet and greet, turn the camera off while you all eat and turn it back on again for coffee. So much less fuss that inviting them over to your house!!!
Tip #2 Rethink Gift Giving
I saw something on Facebook the other day about giving this Christmas. Many people have suffered great loss over the past few years and so they may benefit from you helping them out this year rather than buying a gift. You could:
- Buy them a gift card so they can buy groceries
- Make an IOU a Service booklet. You could pledge to make them a meal, or clean their house, once a week for a few months .
- Babysit for a friend so they can take some time out for themselves.
- Pay their electricity bill or gas bill for the month.
- Do the grocery shopping for them for a week.
- Treat them to a new hairdo or facial.
Tip # 3 Relocate Your Christmas Day
What do I mean by relocate your Christmas Day? Why not totally change what you normally do for Christmas and do something radically different to treat everyone. For example, instead of presents for your children plan a holiday somewhere so you can have a totally unique Christmas Day. For example, why not plan an escape with your children so that you can all be together but also stay safe. Each ‘family unit’ can have their own living space but come together for meals and outings. You can have BBQs and outdoor meals (easy to do for an Aussie Christmas!). We all need a change of scene after spending all year at home but we know that everyone needs to feel that they can stay COVID -safe!
Tip # 4 Go for the Homemade or Family Focused Gifts
If you really do want to give gifts this year why not go for Homemade ones? I have spent much a lot of time over the past few years sewing and knitting and so I have lots of ideas for homemade gifts. Keep an eye out on our blog page for some of these ideas. Of course, homemade Christmas food is also a welcome gift and can be a blessing for those who have done it tough during the year.
Lots of families have discovered the joy of togetherness this year. They have had fun cooking together, playing old fashioned games together and using technology to record songs and videos. So why not continue this theme and buy a family cookbook or family camera or even some board games for everyone to share!
Tip # 5 Put a Family Hamper Together
Back to the theme of helping others. If you have a large family and want to do something together why not build a food hamper or put in money for a big shop of groceries and choose a charity to support for the Season. This means that you will all be doing something together and helping others at the same time. You will need to appoint a team captain to get this off the ground. But think how satisfying it will be to pull everyone together in a project that will benefit others.
Over to you…..
We would love to know what fun ideas you come up with for a fun and safe Christmas, so please let us know what you are planning to do!
What Next?
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Until next time,
Gillian (and Andrew)